Let’s Hope They Don’t Team Up To Make Some Mega-Hater Conglomerate

The Jawa Report

Hat Tip to BareNakedIslam.

In this corner, the church whose god hates everyone, the Westboro Baptist:

And their opponent, with a god that hates gays, infidels, women, and rainbow-coloured protest signs, the Islamic Center in Dearborn, Michigan:

(Thanks to Hyscience for image)

Its a showdown you will NOT want to miss! Coming November 18th at 8:00AM Dearborn time!

Also – don’t miss the bonus round later in the day when Westboro Baptist takes on “the worthless brats who attend East Lansing High School.” Why they are protesting children I have no idea, but I’m confident that if the Muslims don’t wipe them out, these high school kids will.

CAJ H/T GatewayPundit who wrote: Midwest Engineer added:

Thursday’s news Headline…”Westboro pickets mosque in Dearborn with ‘God Hates Muslims signs””

Friday’s news Headline…”Mysterious bombing in Kansas annihilates controversial church”

Update: Blazing Cat Fur has more updated links about today’s “Inter-faith Outreach” in “Dearbornistan.”

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