Greenway mass effect! Now comes the cleanup

Dan O’Brien
The Boston Herald

The Utopian dreamers of Occupy Boston are leaving behind a disgusting field of filth on the formerly scenic Rose Kennedy Greenway, where trees will have to be replanted, grass resodded, sprinklers repaired or replaced and the entire area power-hosed in a massive cleanup that could take weeks…

…[the Rose Kennedy Greenway] Conservancy maintenance and landscape workers have inspected the Dewey Square encampment almost daily since the protesters set up their tents more than two months ago.

Brennan said the grass, which has turned into a mud pit, will need to be completely resodded, and she fears several trees that have been damaged will have to be replanted.

“Three or four trees might be lost. There’s browning of the foliage, and there are some broken and bent limbs,” she said. “Part of what we need to do is check on the root systems, and that is just going to take a little bit of time.”

Brennan also expects that the sprinkler system was damaged so much it will have to be repaired or replaced. Also in need of replacement are about 20 percent of the shrubbery and the pebbles from a pedestrian walkway that runs along Purchase Street…

Read the entire article at The Boston Herald.

RelatedSen. Hutchison: Obama is using Occupy Movement to create “envy” at BreitbartTV

Update: American Glob has photos and more.

H/T Zilla of the Resistance

Update: In Los Angeles, Democratic Mayor Antonio “Villaraigosa has said the cleanup and repair to the park might cost more than $1 million.” Oh, and let’s not forget the “overtime costs for city employees” during the “occupation.”…Read the whole thing.

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