Irving, Texas, Becomes Latest City to Drop ICLEI & UN Agenda 21

“The resistance must spread, for the world that is planned under the co-opted term of sustainability is nothing short of a futuristic dystopia of people herded into high-density living spaces, rationing of infrastructure and services, removal of personal property rights, and strict government monitoring and control over every aspect of the lives of individuals. It is a collectivist model that is distinctly anti-American.”

Alex Newman
The New American
19 March 2012

Officials in Irving, Texas, recently decided not to renew the city government’s membership in a highly controversial organization known as ICLEI, an international group linked to the United Nations’ “Agenda 21”working to quietly impose so-called “sustainable development” on local communities. Tea Party groups, conservative activists, and supporters of private property rights promptly celebrated the news as yet another victory in the battle against the UN plot.

After its membership expired in February, the city of more than 200,000 became the latest community to back out of the global scheme. Lawmakers across the nation, the Republican National Committee, and countless activists have warned with increasing urgency that Agenda 21 and ICLEI represent a radical socialist plot at odds with individual liberty and private property rights. Their efforts are now bearing fruit.

As a growing array of experts and organizations throughout America work to expose the global body and its agenda, the number of cities and counties rejecting ICLEI and UN “sustainability” schemes is quickly becoming a stampede. Well over 50 local governments and counties have already expelled ICLEI in recent years, with membership in the international organization declining from over 600 members in America in 2009 to less than 535 today. And the pace is accelerating…

The article continues at The New American

UpdateGingrich, Paul, Romney & Santorum on Agenda 21 vs. U.S. Sovereignty

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