Muslim Brotherhood: Egypt’s Christians Must ‘Convert, Pay Tribute, or Leave’

Matthew Clark
The American Center for Law and Justice

According to a popular Egyptian website, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Egyptian presidential candidate, Mohammed Morsi, has stated that Christians will be forced to “convert, pay tribute, or leave.

When asked about Coptic Christians in Egypt, Morsi reportedly told a journalist, “They have to know that the conquest is coming and Egypt will be Muslim and they have to pay tribute or migrate as one who left.”

He reportedly stated that it was his goal as a presidential candidate to “achieve the Islamic conquest of Egypt for the second time, and make all Christians convert to Islam, or else pay the ‘jizya’ (Islamic tax).”

While some are unsure whether he made these particular comments, these statements are consistent with the rhetoric of his campaign…

The article continues at ACLJ

Related: Muslim-American think tank chief: ‘There is no greater threat to the world right now than political Islam’

In a book that he said would have found him “dead in several months if [he] had published it in Iran or Syria,” American Islamic Forum for Democracy president Zuhdi Jasser grapples with the internal problems plaguing Islam.

“I have been fighting political Islam my whole life,” Jasser, a devout Muslim and the son of Syrian immigrants, told The Daily Caller. His new book, “Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save his Faith,” deals with the ongoing conflict between freedom-loving moderate Muslims and political Islam…

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