AARP chief a donor to Obama

New AARP chief gave big to Obama
By Jeffrey Young
The Hill
Incoming AARP CEO A. Barry Rand contributed $8,900 to President Obama’s campaign committees, federal records show.

Rand, a retired senior executive at Xerox Corp., Avis Group and Equitant Inc. and the current chairman of Howard University’s board of trustees, gave the maximum $4,600 to Obama’s election campaign and an additional $4,300 to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint fundraising entity of Obama and the Democratic National Committee.

Altogether, Rand has given $15,900 to Democratic campaign committees since 1995, according to searches of Federal Election Commission databases dating back to 1990 that are maintained by CQ Money Line and the Center for Responsive Politics.

As an organization, the AARP strenuously insists on its nonpartisan identity, and its senior leadership ranks include executives with both Democratic and Republican backgrounds. The AARP also is atypical among Washington’s heavy hitters because it does not have a political action committee (PAC), make political contributions or endorse candidates.

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