John McCormack
The Weekly Standard
December 16, 2009
The big news out of the Florida Senate Republican primary today was a Rasmussen poll that showed Gov. Charlie Crist and former state House speaker Marco Rubio tied at 43 percent to 43 percent. Tonight Rasmussen released new numbers showing that Rubio is more electable than Charlie Crist:
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Florida finds former state House Speaker Marco Rubio leading Democrat Kendrick Meek 49% to 35%. Governor Charlie Crist leads Meek 42% to 36%.
When Rubio entered the race back in May, a Quinnipiac poll showed him trailing 54 percent to 8 percent. As Jennifer Rubin wrote this morning, this is why there are primaries. Exciting challengers with good ideas can overcome their opponents advantages in cash and name ID.
There will surely be a number of polls showing Crist in the lead in the next few months, as Rasmussen surveys more involved “likely voters” and others firms merely poll “registered voters,” but this is very good news for Rubio. I didn’t expect him to catch Crist in the polls until this summer, and now the latest Rasmussen poll has destroyed the strongest argument in Crist’s favor–that he’s much more electable than Rubio.