Glenn Reynolds
At 7:09 am
DAVID HARSANYI: “So, who’s left to demonize? The Girl Scouts? Rotary Clubs maybe?”
It might be time to rethink that strategy: White House attacks on Rove’s group lead to massive influx of donations.
And, at 9:58 am:
DON SURBER: Mr. President: I Demand That You Attack Me.
President Obama attacked Rush Limbaugh — and his ratings went up.
President Obama attacked Fox News — and its ratings went up.
President Obama called for a boycott of Glenn Beck — and his ratings went up.
Now he has attacked Karl Rove.
And Rove’s raking it in.
* * *
Karl Rove on Fox News Channel, 10/13/2010. H/T
Update via Instapundit:
THE “D” STANDS FOR “DESPERATE:” Brendan Nyhan: Unsupported Democratic allegations against Chamber of Commerce. “With a Republican House seeming likely, the Obama administration might want to consider whether it wants to set up a standard where every charge made by the other party must be disproven.”