BBC Middle East Editor: Watching Obama Slap Around Israel Is “Enjoyable New Experience”

By Omri Ceren
Mere Rhetoric



BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen has admitted in an analysis article for the BBC News website that the recent strain in relations between Israel and the US has been ‘enjoyable’. In ‘Analysis: Bleak climate for Mid-East talks,’ published on Sunday 9 May, the head of Middle East coverage at the BBC examined the background to the recent resumption of (indirect) talks between Israel and the Palestinians. In an undeniably candid move, Bowen wrote the following: ‘It has been an unusual and enjoyable new experience to be able to look on as the Israelis argued with their most important ally. The fact that the dispute is over Jewish settlements is even better for the Palestinian [sic].’

…The BBC, by the by, regularly comes under fire in Britain for being too pro-Israel…

Read the whole thing.

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