Leaving to run the Heritage Foundation
Matt K. Lewis
The Daily Caller
From The Club for Growth:
Washington, DC – The Club for Growth today issued the following statement in reaction to news that United States Senator Jim DeMint is resigning from the Senate to run the Heritage Foundation:
“Senator DeMint has done more to advance the cause of freedom and liberty in Congress than anyone else since his election,” said Club for Growth President Chris Chocola.“Senator DeMint is a champion of economic freedom, a defender of free markets, and one of the strongest allies the Club for Growth has had in the United States Senate. We wish him nothing but the best in his new role at Heritage.”
The Wall Street Journal has more.
South Carolina U.S. Senator Jim DeMint will replace Ed Feulner as president of the Heritage Foundation. Mr. DeMint will leave his post as South Carolina’s junior senator in early January to take control of the Washington think tank, which has an annual budget of about $80 million.
Sen. DeMint’s departure means that South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, a Republican, will name a successor, who will have to run in a special election in 2014. In that year, both Mr. DeMint’s replacement and Sen. Lindsey Graham will be running for reelection in South Carolina.
Sen. Tim Scott, anyone??
CAJ note: Sen. Tim Scott? Oh, yes, please, Governor Haley!
Update: via Ace of Spades HQ, Here’s DeMint’s statement.
One of our friends has just emailed to suggest Congressman Trey Gowdy. South Carolina, you are spoiled for choices to replace one of our favorite Senators.
Update 2: Jim DeMint leaving the Senate
As conservatives regroup, the political landscape is shifting under our feet.