Obama declares racism inhabits Americans' DNA

Andrew Malcolm Investors.com 6/23/3015

Barack Obama made a revealing — and disappointing — observation in a podcast interview the other day.

The interview with a comedian named Marc Maron received extensive news coverage because Obama used a crude term for black people, usually bleeped in audio or described in print as n—–.

But that’s not […]

The statement Americans SHOULD have heard today from their President...

18 June 2015

“We all lose when senseless tragedies like this remove vibrant lives from our midst. May God give us the ability to rise above hatred and join hands and recognize that our strength is in our unity and love heals all wounds.”

~Dr. Benjamin Carson





Photo via […]

Rangel: Southern GOP Still Believes In Slavery, ‘Racial Superiority’

Alex Griswold The Daily Caller 11/5/2014

The day after the 2014 election, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel whether he wanted to walk back his comments that the GOP “doesn’t believe slavery is over.”

To Blitzer’s shock, Rangel doubled down, accusing Southern Republicans of supporting slavery and believing in racial superiority…




Connecticut Gun Maker Moving Company, Jobs to South Carolina

Awr Hawkins Breitbart.com Big Government 21 Jun 2013

In the aftermath of new restrictions put in place on Connecticut gun manufacturers when Gov. Dannel P. Malloy (D) signed a 139-page gun control package on April 4, PTR Industries says it is moving to South Carolina.

The gun maker will join Gov. Nikki Haley (R) for […]

‘Loaded for bear’

Tom Tillison BizPac Review 3/28/2013

With the 2014 elections just twenty months away, Sarah Palin’s political action committee SarahPAC has released a new video — “Loaded for Bear” — that looks ahead to electing more common-sense, grassroots conservatives to office.

Drawing in part from Palin’s appearance at CPAC 2013, where the former Alaska governor stole […]

‘Learn from my mistakes…I’m sorry I won’t be your President, but I will be you co-worker…’

Governor Mitt Romney at CPAC 2013 Today

Brian Freedom’s Lighthouse 3/15/2013

Here is complete video of Gov. Mitt Romney, introduced by Gov. Nikki Haley, speaking today at CPAC 2013. Romney said he remains hopeful and optimistic about the future of America because of the people of this nation. But he warned it is not a […]
