Walid Shoebat Exposes How Obama's Policies are Part of Master Plan to Revive Grand Caliphate

Walid Shoebat The Right Scoop 2/21/2015

Years ago, hints on questioning Obama’s loyalty to the U.S. was considered conspiracy theory. Today Americans are becoming increasingly more suspicious struggling to find rhyme or reason for Obama’s latest Middle East policies. Rudy Giuliani seems to attribute Obama’s policies to be influenced through his affiliations with radical socialists […]

Boko Haram: satellite images reveal devastation of massacre in Nigeria

Before-and-after photographs show more than 3,100 structures destroyed by fire in villages where hundreds, perhaps thousands, were killed

Same Jones and Monica Mark The Guardian [UK] 15 January 2015

New satellite photographs have laid bare the catastrophic scale of the latest Boko Haram atrocities, which are thought to have left hundreds of people dead and […]

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Christmas Greeting - 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu The Prime Minister of Israel Facebook 12/24/2014


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Post by The Prime Minister of Israel.


  Related: Queen Uses Speech To Hail UK Ebola Medics


South Sudan, Samantha Power, and the Failure of Liberal Internationalism

Aaron MacLean The Editor’s Blog The Washington Free Beacon 11/18/2014

…American policy towards South Sudan is a disaster—such that there is a policy at all. When decisions come, they come—as is the case in most conflicts where American diplomats and soldiers are involved today—from the very top, with policy micromanaged from the offices of Susan […]

White House Presses States to Reconsider Mandatory Ebola Quarantine Orders

Marc Santora and Michael D. Shear The New York Times 10/26/2014

The Obama administration has expressed deep concerns to the governors of New York and New Jersey and is consulting with them to modify their orders to quarantine medical volunteers returning from West Africa as President Obama seeks to quickly develop a new, nationwide policy […]

Scaling Up the Millennium Villages Project

George Soros Open Society Foundations 10/4/2014

Five years ago my Open Society Foundations gave $50 million to support the launch of the Millennium Villages Project—a bold initiative aimed at ending extreme poverty in rural Africa. It’s a big challenge but the project has come a long way since 2005, when Jeffrey Sachs first told me […]
