i am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Susie Bean Breitbart Rebelle Society 1/3/2015

…As I write this, I am terrified. Terrified that you won’t believe me; that my kids won’t believe me. Most of all, I’m terrified that I don’t believe me. But I have no choice. I must make my way out of here or die in here.

Every day I […]

What If Employers Don’t Want to Hire the 5 Million Illegal Immigrants?

Jim Geraghty National Review Online 11/20/2014

Hugh Hewitt offers an unexpected argument: The quasi-amnesty the president offers tonight may actually make it tougher for illegal immigrants to find jobs:

The people in the country illegally will know shortly that this stunt tonight does not help them and may in fact hurt them –badly. The collision […]

No Words

Jonah Goldberg National Review Online 11/17/2014

Our friend, colleague and teacher Victor Davis Hanson couldn’t be on the cruise last week because he got the terrible news that his 27 year old daughter, Susannah, had a medical emergency. He announced tonight that she passed away. I’m sure I speak for everyone here at National Review […]

Bill Whittle: Silence Drudge!

Bill Whittle Truth Revolt 10/31/2014

If someone was trying to limit or suppress your First Amendment rights in America today, what would that Tyrant look like? A dictator in a military uniform? Or a soccer mom in a corner office?

In this weeks Firewall, meet Ann Ravel of the FEC and Lois Lerner of the […]

Dems on FEC move to regulate Internet campaigns, blogs, Drudge

Paul Bedard The Washington Examiner 10/24/2014

In a surprise move late Friday, a key Democrat on the Federal Election Commission called for burdensome new rules on Internet-based campaigning, prompting the Republican chairman to warn that Democrats want to regulate online political sites and even news media like the Drudge Report.

Democratic FEC Vice Chair Ann […]

The New York Times Discovers WMD in Iraq

John Hayward Human Events 10/15/2014

At first glance, I didn’t understand the big stir over the New York Times’ piece about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We’ve known about this for years, even if some of the details about the exposure of American troops to chemical weapons they discovered across Iraq were not widely […]
