Paul Ryan announces intention to destroy conservative elements in his party

Unreal – Paul Ryan Announces Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist Will Be His Chief of Staff…

sundance Conservative Treehouse 10/25/2015

With this announcement representative Paul Ryan is openly announcing his intention to destroy the conservative elements within the republican party. And yet again, its doubtful anyone will try to stop him.

The president of the U.S. […]

Gowdy gets DHS to admit it won’t force sanctuary cities to comply with federal law

Elizabeth Potter The Washington Examiner 7/14/2015

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., on Tuesday got Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to admit that the Obama administration doesn’t want to force state and local governments to comply with federal immigration detention orders.

Gowdy and others grilled Johnson about these orders in a hearing aimed at exploring how an […]

Jorge Ramos Admits to Ann Coulter: Bring All of Mexico to Live Here

Matthew Boyle Big Government 26 May 2015

…“More Nigerians than English since the 1970 immigration law,” she said. “Oh, that the people who passed the 1965 immigration law—Teddy Kennedy, the rest of the Democrats—they swore up and down it would not change the ethnic composition of this country. This has been the most dramatic […]

Court Refuses to Allow Obama Amnesty to Proceed

Keith Koffler White House Dossier 5/26/2015

A panel of a federal appeals court Tuesday declined to reverse a district court judge’s ruling that blocked President Obama’s plan to grant temporary amnesty for some 5 million illegal immigrants, saying that overriding the ruling could force states to take irreversible actions that would become illegal if the […]

113 Members of Congress Join Lawsuit Against Obama

Steven Ahle Red Statements 5/12/2015

113 House members and Senators have filed an amicus brief in the lawsuit brought by 26 states asking the courts to declare Obamnesty unconstitutional. The case is currently in the hands of Federal Judge Andrew Hanen, who appears to share their belief that amnesty by executive order is indeed unconstitutional. […]

WH Admits Illegals Issued Work Permits After Judge's Injunction

Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax 08 May 2015

Attorneys for the Obama administration acknowledged late Thursday that they had broken a Texas court’s injunction on immigration by issuing thousands of work permits, and could face possible sanctions in the case.

The acknowledgment was filed just before midnight in the Brownsville, Texas, court of U.S. District Judge Andrew […]
