Cause of Action sues 12 departments that allowed White House to intervene in FOIA responses

Kelly Cohen The Washington Examiner 8/18/2014

President Obama has claimed since his first day in the Oval Office that his administration would be “the most transparent” in history.

But the nonprofit watchdog group Cause of Action is challenging the Obama claim in a federal lawsuit against 12 federal agencies, including the Office of Management and […]

Why Julian and Joaquin Castro could be worse than Fidel and Raul

Josh Berstein Phoenix Political Buzz Examiner 5/25/2014

…“Chicano is our identity. It defines who we are as a people. We reject the notion that we should assimilate into the White Anglo-American melting pot. Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas. It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest that were brutally stolen […]

NY Times: Obama Intends to Pick Hispanic Texas Mayor Who Delivered Democratic Convention Keynote for Cabinet Post

Dave Urbanski The Blaze 5/17/2014

President Obama intends to pick San Antonio, Texas Mayor Julian Castro — who delivered the crucial keynote address at the 2012 Democratic National Convention — as the secretary of housing and urban development, the New York Times reported, citing Democrats informed about the situation.

Putting 39-year-old Julian Castro in the […]

Clinton Library’s Doc Dump Reveals CRA Fueled Subprime Bubble

Editorials 4/25/2014

Subprime Scandal: Newly released memos from the Clinton presidential library reveal evidence the government had a big hand in the housing crisis. The worst actors were in the White House, not on Wall Street.

During the 1990s, former Clinton aides bragged that more aggressive enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act pressured banks […]

Obama Creates ‘Nudge Squads’ To Modify Undesirable Behavior

DMartyr The Jawa Report 7/30/2013

The Obama Administration has launched the Schutzstaffel a “Behavioral Insights Team” to control civilians modify behavior. The SS team would be employed to stifle dissent make government and society more efficient.

This program, in conjunction with the Sturmabteilung Brownshirts a National Civilian Security Patrol enlisted to report neighbors, re-education camps […]

$700 Mil in Hurricane Recovery Funds Gone With the Wind

Corruption Chronicles Judicial Watch 4/4/2013

In yet another example of how the Obama administration blows the nation’s tax dollars, hundreds of millions earmarked for a failed housing program have vanished and the feds aren’t terribly worried about recovering the lost cash.

The missing loot is part of a highly questionable Housing and Urban Development (HUD) […]
