Rick Moran
American Thinker
Both the European Union and the U.N. Security Council voted to approve the nuclear agreement with Iran today, clearing the way for a lifting of sanctions once the International Atomic Energy Agency signs off on Iran’s compliance.
What about the U.S. Congress? Irrelevant…
…these votes have allowed President Obama to bypass Congress on the nuclear deal. He could have asked both the EU and U.N. to await the outcome of a congressional vote, but he did not. Now, even if Congress passes a resolution of disapproval, it will be a moot point.
Read the entire article at American Thinker.
Related: UN Security Council Endorses Iran Deal, Prompting Criticism from Congress (video)
…“I don’t know why they’re going to the United Nations [first],” Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.”
Cardin and Barrasso were joined by several top-ranking lawmakers on both sides of the aisle in urging a pause at the U.N…
Saudi prince: Iran deal worse than one with N. Korea
…“It will wreak havoc in the Middle East which is already living in a disastrous environment, in which Iran is a major player in the destabilization of the region,” he continued.
Why would Obama go ahead with such an agreement, “knowing what President Clinton didn’t know when he made his deal with North Korea?” questioned the former diplomat.
It’s because Obama “ideologically believes what he is doing is right,” said Prince Bandar…
A Tearful Sabbath as Jews Contemplate Iran Deal
…I talk to the proudest, most patriotic Americans every day. The American people are against what is happening. Many wanted a deal with Iran, but now that they know what it is, they reject it.
The American people are looking to us, and to Israel, to know what to do, because Obama has abandoned them.
We know Benjamin Netanyahu as a man with flaws. But the American people see him as the last leader left in the free world. They are looking to Israel to save America.
After all, we have a president who refuses to see the evil of a terrible regime, or a terrorist threat. Five soldiers were murdered this week, and he calls it a “circumstance.”
The American people are lost. They are as distressed as we are, here…