GOP Marathon: “Pelosi Plan Exposed: 12 Truths about PelosiCare and Republican Alternatives”

A 12-hour live online telecast beginning at 1 pm ET on Thursday, November 5, is planned to expose the Pelosi Healthcare Plan and the Repubicans’ alternative plan.

From the website:

Welcome to “Pelosi Plan Exposed: 12 Truths about PelosiCare and Republican Alternatives.” Over the course of 12 hours we will take an in-depth look at the Pelosi health care bill set for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives in the coming days. We will also explore common-sense Republican alternatives and explain why they will give the American people the health care reform they need and deserve.

Topics Will Include:

Health Care & Small Business
Health Care & Taxes
Health Care & Seniors
Health Care & The Economy
Health Care & Your Money
Health Care & The Culture Of Life
Health Care & Low Income Households And Rural America
Health Care & Families And Women
Health Care & Young Americans
Health Care & Patients And Doctors
Health Care & States

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