‘I am a man’

Glenn Beck

…“I am so tired of these elites telling us what to do,” Glenn said.

“Because I saw hard work from my father, because I saw him have passion for what he did. Because I saw hard work from my grandfather. Because I saw people work themselves to death I happen to have good work ethic and I hope my kids learn it from me.”

“I hope they are as lucky as I am to attract people who have the same values,” Glenn said as he held up a copy of the Wall Street Journal trumpeting the success of GBTV.

“I end up there because of the people I work with,” he said pointing at the article. “Because you understand.

“Our values are being destroyed,” he warned. “Our culture is being destroyed.”

Glenn said people need to look back to the founding documents and to see the rights that man is endowed with from the Creator: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

“I am a man and I demand to be treated as a man. I make my own choices and I live with the consequences of those choices. I do not answer to you federal government. That’s not how it works,” he said.

Glenn said that when regulations are created that are not good citizens are required by The Declaration of Independence to respond.

“I hope to God we are not there yet, but you could make that case. And I’m so sorry if the media finds that dangerous speech. Is it dangerous now to quote the founding documents?” he said.

He said that if the government asks him to violate his values or give up his rights, he only has one answer: “I will not comply”…

The entire article is at GlennBeck.com where readers may watch the rest of the monologue.


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