Kerry, Obama yawned through National Prayer Breakfast; Dr. Benjamin S. Carson unleashed a keynote speech of epic proportions

Obama Shows Up To National Prayer Breakfast Visibly Sleepy And Chewing Nicorette…


Weasel Zippers

The screenshot [right] is from the event (via Keith Koffler).

…President Obama appeared exceedingly sleepy at the annual National Prayer Breakfast today, looking like he was having trouble staying awake as others spoke and delivering his own remarks ponderously, with heavy eyelids and a tired visage.

Obama, who rarely holds a publicly announced event before 10:00 am and is known to be a nighthawk, was forced to show up at the breakfast at 7:55 am.

While listening to the warmup speakers, the president’s eyes were frequently downcast, he appeared drawn…

Read the whole thing at Weasel Zippers


Also at the site, Pool Report On John Kerry At National Prayer Breakfast: “Uncontrolled Yawning, Open Mouth Gaping, Eye-Rubbing”…

. . . Sessions noted that the prime ministers of Serbia and of the Democratic Republic of Congo were in attendance. Secretary of State John Kerry, seated next to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, was seated in the audience at a table front and center. (Kerry began yawning 7 minutes into Dr. Carson’s inspirational speech and basically didn’t stop.) …

Lurch is off to a great start in his big new job, then…



Meanwhile, via The Blaze: See the Prayer Breakfast Speech That’s Grabbing Headlines: Doctor Attacks Political Correctness, National Debt in Front of Obama

  • Dr. Benjamin Carson delivered a noteworthy National Prayer Breakfast keynote speech in President Barack Obama’s presence
  • Carson attacked political correctness as a “dangerous” threat to free speech and encouraged Americans to boldly share their views
  • The pediatric neurosurgeon also provided his theories about the national debt, deficits, taxation and health care, taking stances that were opposed to the president’s
  • Obama watched intently as Carson spoke for more than 25 minutes

One of the more unique speeches delivered at this morning’s National Prayer Breakfast came from Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Taking the stage before President Barack Obama’s faith-filled address, Carson spoke for more than 25 minutes, tackling issues ranging from education to personal responsibility. His keynote, while predicated upon the theme of Jesus Christ as his ultimate role model, also took a starkly political tone, advocating against some of the very policies the president has implemented…



The article continues, with more video, at The Blaze.

Also at the site, Obama Delivers Intensely-Religious Prayer Breakfast Speech: ‘As Christians We Place Our Faith in the Nail-Scarred Hands of Jesus Christ’

Update: Surprise: Liberal media ignore Carson’s amazing speech

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