Mark Levin: ‘We Have a Constitutional Crisis’

“That is a forthright statement of a dictator.”

Patrick Burke

On his radio show last night, Mark Levin said that President Barack Obama has caused a “constitutional crisis” by appointing members to the National Labor Relations Board and a director to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau without going through the constitutionally required Senate confirmation process.

“We have a constitutional crisis,” Levin said. “It is in fact a constitutional crisis.”

“The President of the United States is trashing the Constitution now day in and day out,” Levin said.

At one point, Levin likened the explanation Obama made yesterday for appointing these federal officials without Senate confrmation to the “forthright statement of a dictator.”

Listen to Levin’s full argument at

Also, The Lawless Obama Regime – The Rush Limbaugh Show

RUSH: This is lawless behavior by an out-of-control, rogue executive. This is what happens in banana republics, tinhorn dictatorships. In places like Venezuela, this is what happens — all under the guise of populism and helping the middle class.

Both articles H/T Sarah Palin on Facebook.

Related:  Will a Spineless Congress Allow More Obama Lawlessness?

As part of President Obama’s fundamental transformation of America, this lawless tyrant is intent upon completely overturning one of the most fundamental characteristics of our Republic; Separation of Powers.  The checks and balances in the American system were instituted for the express purpose of combating the rise of a tyrannical and oppressive government.

Nonetheless, on December 31, 2011 Josh Earnest, White House deputy press secretary said, “the president will have a larger playing field. If that includes Congress, all the better,” But, he added, “that’s no longer a requirement.” [emphasis CAJ] The president did not waste any time in thumbing his nose at the rule of law.  Just today, the President announced the “recess appointment” for the controversial Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three new members to the National Labor Relations board.  So what is the problem?  Congress is NOT IN RECESS.  The President has made a complete end run of Congress and has violated his limitations in Separation of Powers.  But what is the big deal about Separation of Powers?

James Madison points out in Federalist 47 that“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

Our founders spent a great deal of time discussing separation of powers and believed that such separation was essential to the protection of our liberty… 


Also, Pelosi ‘glad’ Obama made ‘bold’ recess appointments while Congress in session

Update:  …He’s still trying to out liberal a real liberal, and it will not work: Scott Brown Says He Supports Obama’s Illegal “Recess” Appointment of Richard Cordray… and  Scott Brown AccusesGingrich Of ‘Pandering To The Right-Wing Extreme’.  He has forgotten who elected him…via Legal Insurrection.

Update 2: Why Obama’s “recess” appointments are unconstitutional

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