Nancy Pelosi Wants A Federal Babysitting Service

Michael Brendan Dougherty
Business Insider

Buried in a Washington Post story about Herman Cain calling Nancy Pelosi, “Princess Nancy” is a new policy idea that Pelosi has been pitching recently during her short tour through California.

“One of the great pieces of unfinished business is high-quality child care; I wonder why we just can’t do that,’’ she recently said to a California audience.

By “we”, Pelosi means the federal government. Pelosi clarified that Congress should be  “doing for child care what we did for health-care reform.”

Read the rest at Business Insider.

At, Nancy Pelosi’s Top Priority if She Wins Back the Gavel. For the children.

Update:  Of course, in California eleven year old students can be put out of school for being racist…based upon a hear-say conversation.

“It’s not what he said, it’s how he said it,” Winger related, adding that student confidentiality precluded him from sharing many of the details. [emphasis CAJ]

“I can tell you that there was history and that the student had been counseled and we met with the parents,” he concluded.

What allegedly happened was that Grayson made the comment about the similarities between the newscaster and the President to a friend, which was overheard by a girl who related the comment to Schauble’s daughter who allegedly got upset and told her teacher.

As in any unwitnessed conversation, the exact wording sometimes gets lost in the translation. Winger told Thomas that his son’s comment inferred that “all black people look the same” and that, in the district’s eyes, is racist and a punishable offense.

Grayson was removed from his class immediately and sent home. No chance to get his things, no chance to say goodbye…

H/T Jack Cashill on Facebook.

Update: This photo is from the related article at The Blaze.

Grayson Thomas, in a photo taken by his father. Click on the image to enlarge.

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