Notre Dame Tells Obama: HHS Mandate is a ‘Grave Violation of Religious Freedom and Cannot Stand’

Jim Hoft

Members of the Notre Dame faculty sent President Obama a letter declaring the HHS mandate is “a grave violation of religious freedom and cannot stand.”

Too bad they didn’t see this coming when they decided to invite and honor the most radical pro-abortion and pro-infanticide president in US history to speak at Commencement ceremonies in 2009…

The article continues at GatewayPundit.

Related:  Transformers The Catholic church learns the true meaning of Obama’s ‘transformative’ presidency.

…The Catholic Church has stumbled into the central battle of the 2012 presidential campaign: What are the limits to Barack Obama’s transformative presidency? The Catholic left has just learned one answer: When Mr. Obama says, “Everyone plays by the same set of rules,” it means they conform to his rules. What else could it mean?…

Update: White House says contraception compromise will stand

White House Chief of Staff Jacob Lew said Sunday the Obama administration has no plans to compromise further on its controversial mandate that religious organizations provide contraception services in their employee insurance plans.

EDITORIAL: Obama’s free abortion pills

Someone should tell President Obama there’s no such thing as a free abortion pill. The White House is trying to douse a political wildfire sparked by an Obamacare mandate forcing religiously affiliated institutions to provide a full range of contraception measures for employees – including pills that induce abortions.

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