Once They Own Your Kids, What’s Left?

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

…Don’t make the mistake of thinking [Nancy Pelosi] is incompetent or crazy. Pelosi is anything but. She is aggressive, brutal and power hungry. She crushes anyone who gets in the way of her agenda. Now she is coming after our children. Parents, it’s crunch time. You need to get your children out of the government controlled school system and now. You need to find a way to NOT let the government take care of your child as well. They are masters at propaganda, thought policing and brainwashing. The government and our elites are the ultimate bad man offering our children candy and many parents are nudging their children right into the government’s loving arms. God help us all.

If indeed Pelosi achieves her goal and the government does for child care what it did for healthcare, it might look something like this:

  • A childcare mandate requiring all parents to buy childcare for their children and enter the workplace.
  • A national electronic database of all parents and their parenting habits, ostensibly to determine and enforce the use of “best practices” for raising children.
  • Forcing all private-sector child care professionals out of business, creating a single-caregiver government monopoly subjecting impressionable young children to government indoctrination in everything from climate change to illegal immigration and abortion.

1984 comes knocking on our doors and our children are the price of government oversight. Makes you all warm and fuzzy doesn’t it? More likely, it chills you to the bone and there is fear in the pit of your stomach for your family and children. You have to ask yourself, “Once they own your kids, what’s left?”

Read the entire article at NoisyRoom.net

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