‘They have not taken this program out. They have not taken me out’
Joe Kovacs
After national controversy over his calling a Georgetown University law student a “slut” and “prostitute,” radio giant Rush Limbaugh says he has brand-new sponsors lined up to advertise on his program, and some who had canceled are now asking to return.
“We have three brand-new sponsors that will be starting in the next two weeks,” Limbaugh said this afternoon, adding he was not going to identify them today.
“Two of the sponsors who have canceled have asked to return. We are being very careful about that. I’m not gonna give you any names here. One of them is practically begging to come back.”
There have been reports among some news agencies that at least 40 advertisers have abandoned Limbaugh’s top-rated program since the furor involving Sandra Fluke’s push for insurance-covered birth control erupted last week, but Limbaugh said those news outlets are not being honest…
The article continues at WorldNetDaily.
Related: White House Fuels Rush Death Threats As Media Matters Lies
In an extraordinary development reported exclusively by Dan Riehl over at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government, the Democrats’ deliberate refusal to accept Rush Limbaugh’s apology, coupled with the President’s attack on Rush, has fueled a stunning surge in death threats against the conservative champion…
Read also, Media Matters, or Does It?
…Media Matters normally has a lot to say in response to their critics, but their silence speaks volumes about these latest accusations from The Daily Caller, Fox News, and Alan Dershowitz. The Obama White House has been directly challenged, and implicated by these revelations, though the mainstream media is adopting its usual position. Pretend there is nothing there, and maybe it will all go away…
…“Simply put,” wrote [Karl] Frisch, “the progressive movement is in need of an enemy. George W. Bush is gone. We really don’t have John McCain to kick around any more. Filling the lack of leadership on the right, Fox News has emerged as the central enemy and antagonist of the Obama administration, our Congressional majorities and the progressive movement as a whole.”…
Update: In SEC filing, Carbonite lists Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow and Randi Rhodes as “trusted spokespersons”