Jim Hoft
Senator Richard Burr says Obama CIA has “flatly refused” to give the senate some Benghazi-related documents.
Obama was first briefed about the Benghazi attacks three hours after they began when he met with his staff for a previously planned meeting. That was it. He never followed up. He was AWOL.
Now the CIA doesn’t want to turn over all of the Benghazi documents.
CNS News reported:
Sen. Richard Burr, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said that the CIA has “flatly refused” to give some Benghazi-related documents to the committee, which is conducting an investigation of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the State Department and CIA personnel and facilities in Benghazi, Libya.
Sen. Burr made the assertion last week at the confirmation hearing for John Brennan, whom President Barack Obama has nominated to be director of the CIA. Brennan currently serves as the president’s counterterrorism adviser.
“Mr. Brennan, as you know, the committee’s conducting a thorough inquiry into the attacks in Benghazi, Libya,” Sen. Burr said. “In the course of this investigation, the CIA has repeatedly delayed and in some cases flatly refused to provide documents to this committee.”
Watch the video at GatewayPundit.