Carmine Sabia
BizPac Review
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has a question for President Obama after the president pushed the idea of more anti-gun legislation just hours after nine people were killed in a Charleston church.
“What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?” Scott asked, appearing Friday on Fox News’ “The Kelly File.”
Scott said Obama was “off base” on his assessment, as shooter Dylann Roof had already broken existing gun laws by owning a gun as a felon and entering a church with a firearm.
The laws were already broken,” Scott said. “To suggest that there’s somehow a way for us to specifically stop this occurrence with gun legislation seems to be inconsistent with the facts as we know them on the ground.”
Scott argued that the gun laws we have aren’t working and if the gunman had obeyed the laws the shooting would have never happened.
Watch the video at BizPac Review.
Update: African American Church Defies President, Members Carry Guns To Service For Self-Defense (video)
…The Atlanta Black Star ran a piece entitled “Obama Makes Charleston Shooting About Gun Control Instead of Terrorism Against Black People” which asserted the president was out of touch with what was actually going on.
African American gun ownership and support for carrying firearms for self-defense is at an all time high…
Arizona sheriff sending armed posse into black churches
…[Sheriff Arpaio] said the Rev. Jarrett Maupin, who describes himself as a Progressive Baptist preacher and civil-rights campaigner on his Facebook page, asked him to provide the protection because he was worried about problems with white supremacists in the area.
“I am the elected sheriff of this county. He asked me to help, and I’m going to help,” Arpaio said Friday…
Update 2: From The Kelly File:
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, joins hands with Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley, and Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) at a memorial service at Morris Brown AME Church for the people killed Wednesday. (AP Photo/David Goldman)