Sperling Admits Obama Misled in Debate: The President Did Propose the Sequester

Daniel Halper
The Weekly Standard

White House economic adviser Gene Sperling admits that, yes, in fact, the sequestration was President Obama’s plan.

“We put forth the design of” the sequestration, Sperling finally admits after a long back-and-forth:



Also, Gene Sperling Responds to Bob Woodward

CNN “Stater of The Union” WH Economic Director Gene Sperling responded to Bob Woodward’s claim that he was threatened.


Update: The Hill Corrects White House Myth: Obama Has “Flexibility” With Sequester Cuts

For Obama and his media minions, the stakes around sequester are mammoth. With the economy already tanking, the hope is to blame sequester for the president’s failed left-wing economic policies. If the White House and its media can convince enough Americans that cutting the federal budget by a measly 2% is to blame for our economic problems,  that will be a crowning propaganda victory for the left.

Better still, Obama and his media want to blame the GOP for these draconian, world-ending cuts. That push is all about Democrats taking over the House in 2014 and Obama owning the government for the last two years of his failed presidency. *shudder*…

Read the whole thing.

Update 2:  From 22 February, Obama Waited Until Yesterday To Reach Out To Boehner And McConnell On The Sequester

…It’s getting so old, watching how he creates these problems and then lies about it day in and day out. It’s like Groundhog Day.

This is his mess.

Update 3: Ace of Spades:  In Case You Weren’t Sure, Obama’s Lying About the Sequester and Intends to Keep On Lying For Years to Come


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