by John Stossel
November 24, 2009
Tonight, Bill O’Reilly asked me why the AARP supports Obamacare. Polls show that just 30 percent of seniors want it.
I think it’s because the AARP is a political machine.
The AARP was founded on lefty principles. Their mission statement references “positive social change”, “collective purpose”, and a “collective voice”. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, AARP employees donated to Democrats 9 to 1. Its president, Barry Rand, gave $8,900 to Obama.
Executive VP Kevin Donnellan used to work for Geraldine Ferraro. Nancy Leamond, “Executive VP of Social Impact” worked for the Clinton Administration. “Chief Brand Officer” Emilio Pardo worked for Democrat Fritz Hollings.
We found only one executive, John Rother, who once worked for a Republican–the late Senator John Heinz.
AARP is just another Washington special interest group that loves big government. They supported the “stimulus” bill. They want to allow drug re-importation from Canada, which would kill drug innovation.
Some say that AARP stands to gain financially from Obamacare, because most of their revenue comes not from membership dues, but from the sale of insurance polices (they put the the AARP name on health insurance polices from UnitedHealth and on life insurance from Aetna and Genworth.)
The rest is here.