Ryan in the running

Joel B. Pollak Breitbart.com Big Government 6/22/2012

To absolutely no one’s surprise, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is now officially being vetted by the Romney campaign as a potential running mate and Vice President. Ryan, the chair of the House Budget Committee, has not only led the national debate on entitlement reform, but he has also […]

‘Be honest and kick ass’: Gov. Christie energizes House GOP at retreat

Molly K. Hooper The Hill 1/21/2012

BALTIMORE — House Republicans left their three-day retreat with resolve to be courageous and pursue a bold agenda this year.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said in his closing remarks on Saturday, that “this has the most focused and serious-minded retreat I can remember being part of,” according to a […]

Paul Ryan’s Old-Fashioned American Vision

The 2011 Human Events Conservative of the Year: Paul Ryan

Lawrence Kudlow Human Events 12/22/2011

The editors of HUMAN EVENTS are proud to name Rep. Paul Ryan as “Conservative of the Year” for 2011. The Wisconsin Republican was a favorite from the very beginning of the nomination process, not only with our editorial board but […]

‘It will never be any easier or cheaper to fix this problem than it is right now’ but not if you don’t understand it

DOOM, Served Hot Off the Grill

Monty Ace of Spades HQ 3/10/2011

…We are in a classic debt spiral from which there is probably no escape. The mandatory spending numbers will never go down, and debt-service will eat ruthlessly away at the remaining portion of the federal budget. (Most of the states are in the […]

Congressman Paul Ryan Steps Onto the National Stage Tonight

Ryan Is Republican Point Man House Budget Chairman Will Deliver Rebuttal to Obama, Craft Spending Cuts

Janet Hook The Wall Street Journal 1/25/2011

When Rep. Paul Ryan delivers the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday, many viewers will get their first look at a man whom GOP leaders […]

‘A Roadmap’ Not Taken? Republican freshmen hesitate to embrace Paul Ryan’s budget plan

Jeff G. Protein Wisdom 1/18/2011


Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the GOP’s high priest of pecuniary politics, has ascended to the chairmanship of the House Budget Committee. Across the land, fiscal conservatives applaud the rise of the 40-year-old wonk. But the cheers in Congress are more sporadic: Unflinching endorsements of Ryan’s fiscal blueprint are […]
