Building the New Dark-Age Mind

America’s descent into the Dark Ages will not end well. It never has in the past.

Victor Davis Hanson Works and Days PJ Media 6/8/2015

History is not static and it does not progress linearly. There was more free speech and unimpeded expression in 5th-century Athens than in Western Europe between 1934-45, or in Eastern […]

Media Fail to Identify Leader of Baltimore Riots

Ex-New Black Panther chairman a notorious racist

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 4/26/2015

Major news media outlets have failed to report one of the main leaders of the “splinter group” of Baltimore protesters who turned violent is a notorious racist and the former national chairman of the New Black Panther Party, WND has found.

The New York […]

EmailGate: First Lois Lerner, Then Hillary Clinton, Now Eric Holder. How Corrupt Is This Administration?

We have found Nixon’s successors: they’re all Democrats.

Michael Van Der Galien PJ Tatler PJ Media 3/11/2015

Although we all talk about Hillary’s EmailGate, we shouldn’t forget that this controversy actually started with Lois Lerner. When Republicans tried to find out whether the IRS had purposefully targeted conservative organizations, this former head of the Internal […]

Holder Admits ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Claim Was Bogus

Neil Munro The Daily Caller 3/4/2015

The “Hands up, don’t shoot” slogan used by Democrat activists since August 2013 is a complete falsehood, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder admitted Wednesday.

He acknowledge the faked story as he released the Justice Department’s investigation of the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo.

“I recognize […]

Federal district judge Reed O'Connor rules that the federal Gun Control Act of 1968 violates the Second Amendment

Ann Althouse 2/12/2015

Notably, O’Connor applied strict scrutiny:

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which did not endorse any specific level of scrutiny for future Second Amendment cases, gun rights advocates have been urging the lower courts to practice strict scrutiny whenever appropriate…

…At its core, […]

Flashback: Remember How Obama Regime Sent 3 Representatives To Mike Brown’s Funeral?

Nickarama Weasel Zippers 1/11/2015

Guess France is not as important as someone who attacks a police officer…



Read the whole thing at Weasel Zippers.


Also at the site,More Than 50 World Leaders March Against Terrorism…Except Obama




Related: France told Netanyahu: If you come, we’ll invite Abbas

…According […]
