Murthy is either an idiot or he thinks we are

The Surgeon General is an idiot


streiff RedState 4/28/2015

Back in the closing days of the Senate under One-Eye Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) Dr. Vivek Murthy was confirmed as US Surgeon General by the narrowest of margins…

…The resistance to Murthy was led by the the NRA because Murthy is an reflexive, doctrinaire […]

Senate approves Obama pick for surgeon general

Associated Press via 12/15/2014

The Senate on Monday approved President Obama’s nomination of Dr. Vivek Murthy to serve as U.S. surgeon general, despite opposition from Republicans and some Democrats over his support for gun control and past statements that gun violence is a public health issue.

Murthy, 37, a physician at Boston’s Brigham and […]

Obama nominee for Surgeon General says banning guns is part of medicine

Howard Portnoy Liberty Unyielding 3/8/2014

After being burned by his nomination of Debo Adegbile to head up the civil rights division at the Department of Justice, President Obama has jumped right back into the fray with another radical nominee, this time for Surgeon General…

…The problem with Murthy, rather, is his position on guns. Namely, […]
