It’s Payday For Media’s Faustian Pact With President

Victor Davis Hanson 7/5/2013

In the old Dr. Faustus story, a young scholar bargains away his soul to the devil for promises of obtaining almost anything he wants.

The American media have done much the same thing with the Obama administration. In return for empowering a fellow liberal, the press gave up its traditional […]

In heated ’07 speech, Obama lavishes praise on Wright, says feds ‘don’t care’ about New Orleans

Drudge Report, 2 Oct 2012, 9:54 PM. Click on the image to enlarge.


“We can’t expect [the poor] to have all the skills they need to work. They may need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right […]

Pat Caddell: ‘The media have become an enemy of the American people’

Bryan Preston PJ Media 9/28/2012

Pat Caddell addressed Accuracy in Media’s conference on Obama and the media this week. Caddell used the moment to expose the media for covering up a) an Obama adviser taking what looks like a payoff from the Iranians and b) the Obama administration’s Benghazi cover-up. He concludes that media bias […]

The Age of Trolling

How a small band of conservatives generated half of the Democratic Convention’s headlines.

David Weigel Slate Magazine 9/7/2012

…Democrats did not expect to spend Wednesday arguing about the capital of Israel and the appearance of the word “God” in their platform. There were, reportedly, 15,000 members of the media in Charlotte, of whom maybe 14,980 […]

Media Downplays Obama’s Past, Tries to Define Romney with Teen Prank

John Nolte Big Journalism 5/10/2012

Media bias isn’t just about what is and isn’t covered. It’s also about how something is covered and rolled out. For instance, the failing and corrupt Washington Post has twice now attempted to use decades-old incidents to create ongoing media narratives meant to negatively define serious challengers to […]

This is How ABC News Treats Conservatives

Erick Erickson RedState 11/1/2010

ABC News was going to have Arianna Huffington and Andrew Breitbart on TV on election night to discuss American politics, etc. Breitbart, at least, was going to be involved in a digital town hall. The television anchors would regularly go into the townhall, talk to the reporters, talk to Breitbart, etc.

