DOJ Seeks Identities of Libertarian News Site's Anonymous Commenters

Fox and Friends 6/11/2015

…Judge Andrew Napolitano, first disclosing that carries his opinion pieces, criticized this move by the Justice Department. He said in cases like this, the presumption is always that “all speech is protected.”

But he said a just-issued Supreme Court ruling laid out the following three standards that the government […]

Reason Magazine Subpoena Stomps on Free Speech

Virginia Postrel BloombergView 6/9/2015

Wielding subpoenas demanding information on anonymous commenters, the government is harassing a respected journalism site that dissents from its policies. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York claims these comments could constitute violent threats, even though they’re clearly hyperbolic political rhetoric.

This is happening in America — […]

Obama Has Already Appealed The Indefinite Detention Ruling

David Seaman Business Insider 9/13/2012

This sent a chill down my spine. In the midst of my interview with Tangerine Bolen, a plaintiff in the lawsuit against the NDAA’s indefinite detention provisions & coordinator of, she received an email from her lawyer to inform her that the Obama administration has already appealed yesterday’s historic […]
