Anonymous Unveils Explosive ‘Leaks’ on Michael Brown Grand Jury and Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson: Report

Jason Howerton The Blaze 10/28/2014

Hacker group Anonymous is claiming that officer Darren Wilson will not be indicted by a grand jury in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, according to purported government sources.

The “hacktivist” group released the following on Monday:

Last night we announced that we have received over […]

Letter: Holder Aide Accidentally Calls Issa Staff for Help Spinning IRS Scandal

Jonathan Strong Big Government 9 Sep 2014

A senior communications aide to Attorney General Eric Holder seemingly called House oversight committee chairman Darrell Issa’s staff by accident and asked for their help spinning new revelations about the IRS scandal, Issa said in a September 8 letter to Holder.

The aide, Brian Fallon, is a […]

Justice Dept. Sued for Fast and Furious FOI Response

Sharyl Attkisson 6/1/2014

Judicial Watch, the conservative watchdog group that has successfully sued the federal government in multiple instances for unlawful Freedom of Information (FOI) responses, is taking on a new case. This one is on behalf of Fast and Furious whistleblower: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Special Agent John Dodson.

The complaint filed against […]

IRS Responsible For Leaking Mozilla CEO’s Prop 8 Donation To Pro-Gay Liberal Group…

Zip Weasel Zippers 4/3/2014

The IRS leaked the National Organization for Marriage’s tax returns to the Human Rights Campaign, who helped oust Brendan Eich.

Via First Things:

…The one thing all sides can agree on is that Eich, on paper, is very well suited to the job. His most notable technical achievement is the invention […]

NSA Chief: Federal Legislation to End Media Leaks Only Weeks Away

Michael Lotfi 3/7/2014

National Security Agency (NSA) chief executive General Keith Alexander addressed a cyber-security panel Tuesday where he proclaimed that “media leaks legislation” he introduced to prevent journalists from reporting on government surveillance programs like those leaked by Edward Snowden could reach the floor within a couple weeks.

“We’ve got to handle media […]

Obama's efforts to control leaks 'most aggressive since Nixon', report finds

Administration’s tactics, which include using Espionage Act to pursue leakers, have had chilling effect on accountability – study

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Karen McVeigh The Guardian [UK] 10 October 2013

Barack Obama has pursued the most aggressive “war on leaks” since the Nixon administration, according to a report published on Thursday that says the administration’s […]
