The Moment a Prof. Warned that America Is at a 'Constitutional Tipping Point'

Self-identified Obama supporter delivers a must-see critique of the President

Glenn Beck

There was a remarkable moment during a congressional hearing on Wednesday when constitutional law expert and self-proclaimed Obama supporter, Jonathan Turley, explained the legislative branch of the U.S. government is in danger of becoming irrelevant because of persistant executive overreach. Turley, who is a professor of public interest law at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., believes America has reached a “constitutional tipping point” under President Obama’s watch.

“This is, I think, the most important… moment of audio… in the last I don’t even know how many years. This is the American crisis… This is beyond the constitutional crisis. This is a constitutional tipping point,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “This happened yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee… Jonathan Turley is a liberal… He’s a guy who’s on the left, is a support of the President, says in his testimony, ‘Look, I agree with what [the President is] trying to do. Just not how he is doing it.’ And I want you to listen because what he’s saying is: If we don’t wake up right now, we will be very sorry.”

Listen to Turley’s remarks below…


The article continues, with additional video, at



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