War on Free Speech: Ezra Levant ordered to pay $80K in Islamic supremacist suit

Pamela Geller
Atlas Shrugs

In a chilling setback for free speech, my dear friend and colleague Ezra Levant has been ordered to pay the outrageous sum of  $80,000  to an Islamic supremacist in what is the latest in an unending string of sharia based lawsuits to suppress and silence the truth.

“It is a national gag order, which has the effect of silencing and punishing critics of anti-Semitism.” Because the posts were published to Levant’s personal blog, he said he is paying for his legal fees out-of-pocket.

I strongly urge Atlas readers to contribute to his fund. Ezra’s fight is all of ours. He is you and me. This is our loss. Ezra must fight this — for all of us…



The article continues at Atlas Shrugs.


Ezra Levant and Pamela Geller

Ezra Levant and Pamela Geller


Update: Online Khomeinist Rag Crescent International Crows Triumphantly Re Levant’s Loss in Defamation Case, Goes On to Defame Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn may want to consult an attorney because I’m pretty sure the Khomeinists’ statements about him are actionable…

H/T Five Feet of Fury


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