'Skeptical' Canada Won't Lift its Iran Sanctions

Canadian officials say they will only ease sanctions if Iran demilitarizes its nuclear program, noting Iran’s record isn’t trustworthy.

Dalit Halevy, Ari Yashar Arutz Sheva/Israel National News 4/6/2015

The Canadian government has not shared US President Barack Obama’s enthusiasm over the deal reached with Iran over its nuclear program last Thursday, by which the Islamic […]

House approves Keystone bill, as court ruling delivers win to pipeline backers

FoxNews.com 1/9/2015

The House easily passed a bill on Friday authorizing construction of the Keystone pipeline, just hours after Nebraska’s highest court tossed a lawsuit challenging the route — increasing pressure on President Obama to approve the long-delayed project.

The House approved the bill on a 266-153 vote, with 28 Democrats joining majority Republicans in […]

Cybersecurity Firm Identifies Six In Sony Hack — One A Former Company Insider

Giuseppe Macri The Daily Caller 12/29/2014

Norse, the cybersecurity firm that first identified a potential insider in the massive November hack of Sony Pictures, believes it’s uncovered evidence on six individuals primarily involved in the attack, including one former Sony employee with ”extensive knowledge of the company’s network and operations.”

Senior vice president at Norse […]

War on Free Speech: Ezra Levant ordered to pay $80K in Islamic supremacist suit

Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs 11/28/2014

In a chilling setback for free speech, my dear friend and colleague Ezra Levant has been ordered to pay the outrageous sum of $80,000 to an Islamic supremacist in what is the latest in an unending string of sharia based lawsuits to suppress and silence the truth.

“It is a […]

Stephen Harper’s Moral Clarity

Max Boot Commentary Magazine 11/17/2014

…It is easy to say that Harper’s comments are inconsequential because Canada doesn’t matter much on the world stage. And it’s true that such strong words would carry more weight if coming from Barack Obama. But that is impossible to imagine because President Obama has never once spoken with the […]

Sen. Mary Landrieu says she has enough votes to pass Keystone XL

Zack Colman The Washington Examiner 11/17/2014

Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., told reporters that she has enough votes to pass a bill to build the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline, which comes up for a vote Tuesday.

Asked whether the vote count was still at 59 — one shy of the 60 needed to blow up […]
