Waxman: Obama Should Regulate Oil Refineries, Household Appliances to Stop Global Warming

Matt Cover
CNS News

Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) said the Obama administration should regulate oil refineries, household appliances, and even renegotiate climate treaties if Congress does not pass legislation dealing with global warming.

“The president will be taking action by executive order through his administration,” Waxman said at a press conference on Friday unveiling his Safe Climate Caucus, which will work to pressure House Republicans to take up a climate change initiative.

Waxman, who said that Obama’s executive actions would also pressure the GOP, explained that there were several things the administration might do to address global warming.

“We’ve asked the White House to coordinate their activities throughout the various departments and the various areas within the administration,” Waxman explained. “The EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] can do a lot more. They’ve proposed regulating new power plants to control emissions, they can go forward and complete that rule.”…

The article continues, with video, at CNS News.

H/T Kevin Jackson, The Black Sphere

Related:  Congresswoman: Global Warming ‘Will Destroy’ Maryland

Update:  A video from ReasonTV: 3 Reasons to Build the Keystone XL Pipeline

Few energy projects have inspired the level of vitriol surrounding the Keystone XL Pipeline, that would run 1,700 miles from Alberta, Canada through the United States to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico.

The oil sands of Alberta are estimated to hold 170 million barrels of petroleum, the largest reservoir of black gold outside of Saudi Arabia.

Because the pipeline crosses an international boundary, President Barack Obama has the final say over whether to give the project a green light.

Here are three reasons to build the pipeline…

Two and a half minutes of viewing time well-spent.

Also, BRRRR! Less-Than-Expected Turnout For GloBULL Warming Protest At White House Due to Below Freezing Temperture

Update 2: BITTER COLD Greets Global Warming Protesters in Washington DC (Video)


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