Yockey: It’s time to end birthright citizenship

Cynthia Yockey
A Conservative Lesbian

When Margaret and I lived in Silver Spring, near the border of Maryland and Washington, D.C., our community was overwhelmed by illegal immigration. We lived near the area with the highest concentration of illegal immigrants in Montgomery county — in all of Maryland and Washington, D.C., really. As a liberal, I was aghast to learn how much these people hated me, hated women, hated gays and lesbians, hated black people, hated Americans, hated people from other countries that spoke their language — basically, they were a boiling cauldron of hatred, ingratitude, entitlement and determination to impose their culture and language and we could kiss their asses because it was our duty, in order to prove what nice people we were, to hand over everything we had to them. It had a lot in common with being mugged.

This bothered me. It still does.

I do not have a problem with legal immigrants. Why, some of my best friends are legal immigrants (for real). However, I think America’s laws against illegal immigration should be enforced. If someone comes here illegally and gets caught, the very nicest thing that should happen to them is to get thrown out that very day and be barred ever from entering the U.S. again. What? You’re going to argue they just want to make a better life? SO DOES A BANK ROBBER!

A common goal of illegal immigrants is to get a pregnant woman over the border so she can have a child who is an American citizen due to being born in America — birthright citizenship. The child is called an anchor baby and entitles a chain of relatives to immigrate.

On March 28, 2010, George Will published a column at Townhall.com explaining the history of the misunderstanding that led to permitting birthright citizenship.

Read the rest of Cynthia’s article at A Conservative Lesbian.

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