100,000 British women mutilated

As many as 100,000 women in Britain have undergone female genital mutilations with medics in the UK offering to carry out the illegal procedure on girls as young as 10, it has been reported.

Waris Dirie, the Somalian born model who suffered female genital mutilation at the age of five Photo: AP

The Telegraph [UK]
22 Apr 2012

Investigators from The Sunday Times said they secretly filmed a doctor, dentist and alternative medicine practitioner who were allegedly willing to perform circumcisions or arrange for the operation to be carried out. The doctor and dentist deny any wrongdoing.

The practice, which involves the surgical removal of external genitalia and in some cases the stitching of the vaginal opening, is illegal in Britain and carries up to a 14 year prison sentence.

It is also against the law to arrange FGM [female genital mutilation].

Known as “cutting”, the procedure is traditionally carried out for cultural reasons and is widespread across Africa.

It is thought to be needed as proof of a girl’s “purity” for when she marries, but victims are rarely given anaesthetic and frequently suffer long-term damage and pain…

The article continues at The Telegraph.

RelatedChurchill saved England for nothing (Part CXVII)

…“Mr Jones added that Australia feels like the Britain of 30 years ago, before the benefits culture became so big. He has also found the country takes its national pride a lot more seriously than Britain.

“They have far stricter immigration policies, he said and devote an entire day to their war dead rather than just two minutes of silence.”…


Update: ‘Cheat genital mutilation ban by going abroad’: British Muslim leader caught on camera

“A British Muslim leader has been caught on camera advocating female genital mutilation. Mohammed Abdul, the Imam of a Bristol mosque, was filmed urging a follower to take women and girls abroad so they can be circumcised legally.”

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