Maxine Waters’ Ethics Case WILL Proceed

Jeff Dunetz
Yid With Lid

When ethics charges were brought up against California Rep Maxine Waters in 2010 she responded with cries of racism and unfair practices from the committee’s lawyers that violated her rights.  The truth was the ONLY thing unfair was that Ms. Waters may have helped her husbands bank receive TARP money even though it was undeserving.

The House Ethics Committee announced today results of an independent investigation determining that her rights were not violated and she will have to sit on the ethics hot seat.

In a letter to Waters, the committee wrote to inform the lawmaker that it had considered the 12 allegations of misconduct her lawyer had presented against the panel and found that none of them was in violation of the House or committee rules.

“The outside counsel has concluded, and the Committee has unanimously found that you have been afforded notice and the opportunity to be heard,” wrote Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), the panel’s acting chairman on the Waters case, and Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.), the committee’s ranking member.

“As such, there has been no violation of the due process rights to which you are entitled. Even when the allegations are considered in their totality, there is still no violation of the process which you are due, and the Committee is entitled to continue its consideration of your matter,” the lawmakers wrote.

Waters is accused of helping an unsound bank (OneUnited) receive government aid to help her husband who was an officer and stock-owner of the bank.

The article continues at The Lid.

The Hill also has a report.

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