…An internal Department of Defense memo obtained by ABC News reports that the director of refugee health at Health and Human Services “has identified a breakdown of the medical screening processes at the Nogales, Ariz., facility.” This may be just the tip of a medical-disaster iceberg.
Officials involved in moving the immigrants from Border Patrol processing centers to Health and Human Services facilities are, according to the memo, “putting sick (fevers and coughing) unaccompanied children on airplanes inbound for (Naval Base Ventura County) in addition to the chicken pox and coxsackie virus cases.”
Three unaccompanied minors were reportedly in the ICU at local hospitals in California, and two of them were diagnosed with strep pneumonia. The same naval base has experienced an outbreak of pneumonia and influenza among the unaccompanied minors at its detention facility.
The dispersal of illegal aliens, including unaccompanied minors, throughout the U.S. without proper medical screening is an appalling dereliction of duty by a president and an administration sworn to protect the health and safety of American citizens…
…Border Patrol agents in Murrieta, Calif., have tested positive for tuberculosis. Hand and foot disease and Chagas disease, a tropical parasitic illness, both previously eradicated from the area, are on the rise.
The possibility also exists in these conditions for diseases such as dengue fever to hit the U.S…
Read the entire editorial at Investors.com