Beck announces three ‘American Dream Lab’ locations across the globe

Glenn Beck

All this week on TheBlaze TV, Glenn will be outlining his vision for 2013 and the role that The American Dream Labs will play this year and in the years to come. While Glenn has teased the American Dream Labs in the past, this week will mark the first time he takes viewers into the plans he has for the group and the projects that they are currently working on. On tonight’s episode, Glenn hinted at what was to come over the next few weeks and detailed some of the legendary American figures who are models for the type of innovation the American Dream Labs will be trying to replicate in the next few years.

“This is not just about the future of TheBlaze, not just the future of the entire TV industry. Believe it or not, revolutionizing how the news is delivered and how a network is run is the smallest of our many, many dreams. All this week I’m going to give you a glimpse into those dreams. I do that knowing that some will mock, others will dismiss. But that’s OK. Every era of change has those who are resistant to it and those who like the comfort of the status quo or those who wish to spend their free time or their creative time mocking. It’s time to stop worrying about what others are doing and wonder why are we here,” Glenn said as he opened the show.

“The scope of what I’m going to show you this week of what we want to accomplish in the American Dream Labs is enormous. Food, farming, energy, transportation, healthcare, news, technology, information, you name it. But we will not limit the range of our innovation, but it is going to take a massive effort,” Glenn said.

Glenn asked viewers to take a leap of faith with him on the journey of the American Dream Labs, and said that with the support of his audience the Dream Labs could change the fabric of information, technology, entertainment, and more…

The article continues, with more video, at Glenn Beck.

Related: Glenn’s plan to expand TheBlaze into an international , cutting edge news network

There’s more video at the link.

Sneak Peek: American Dream Lab #2

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