Does Mayor Bloomberg Stand to Profit from Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” Campaign?

Amy Ridenour
Amy Ridenour’s National Center Blog

I ran into this anti-coal advertisement by Michael Bloomberg when visiting a Tina Korbe post on


Michael Bloomberg did not become a billionaire and a successful politician without knowing a few tricks. As the National Center for Public Policy Research has pointed out more than once, a trick of some politically-connected businessmen is to invest heavily in something, and then move government policy in the direction of supporting it (e.g.,General Electric and solar powerthe Pickens Plan, or Al Gore and global warming), via tax subsidies, laws or regulations.

Michael Bloomberg has just donated $50 million to the Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” campaign.

He has posted a video of himself talking about “a new energy path” on his YouTube channel.

He writes op-eds about cutting America’s coal supplies.

His personal website covers coal prominently and claims it is important for the country (read: government) to “accelerate the transition to cleaner, cost-effective energy sources.”

Yet, 56 percent of America’s electricity is generated from burning coal…


The article continues, with graphics and video, at Amy Ridenour’s National Center Blog.

RelatedGreens Squeeze Impoverished Out of Jobs:

It may sound absurd, but several environmental NGOs – notably Greenpeace, Rainforest Action, and WWF – are now involved in a concerted attempt to stymie investment in the developing world.

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