Obama Wants to Close Off Energy-Rich Stretch of Alaska to Development

Sean Hackbarth
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Pultizer Prize-winning author Daniel Yergin, wrote in the New York Times that global energy markets are at an inflection point. The role of the world’s “swing producer” has swung to the United States:

By leaving oil prices to the market, Saudi Arabia and the emirates also passed the responsibility as de facto swing producer to a country that hardly expected it — the United States. This approach is expected to continue with the accession of the new Saudi king, Salman, following the death on Friday of King Abdullah. And it means that changes in American production will now, along with that of Persian Gulf producers, also have a major influence on global oil prices.

Even though hydraulic fracturing had led this shale boom, conventional oil production is still important.

This makes the Obama administration’s request to close off a big portion of Alaska’s energy reserves to development especially disappointing…



Read the complete article at Chamber of Commerce of the United States.



Related:   Obama speaks against oil drilling, while riding in a massive jet  (video)

President Barack Obama sat comfortably in Air Force One, a jet that burns over 50,000 gallons of fuel, while filming a recent PSA against oil drilling.

The video champions cleaner wildlife and speaks to the damage that oil drilling can cause our planet — a sentiment that may have carried a greater weight, had the president not been utilizing one of the benefactors of oil drilling….



Flying Around on Private Jets to Save the Planet

Glenn Reynolds, of Instapundit fame, is fond of saying that he’ll believe there’s a climate change crisis when the people who say there’s a climate change crisis start acting like there’s a climate change crisis.

They haven’t started yet. The annual World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, for instance, is on right now and its attendees arrived in an estimated 1,700 private jets. Among the attendees are Al Gore and Pharrell Williams…


Davos’s Destructive Elites “None of us is as dumb as all of us.”

…These ridiculous hypocrites deserve every syllable of abuse that comes their way. I instinctively write off all denunciations of the wicked 1 percent coming from anybody unwilling to live at or below the median U.S. household income, which amounts to less than Clinton’s Rolex is worth. But there is something worse at work here than hypocrisy: stupidity. And stupidity is, like private-jet travel, shockingly expensive…

…These ridiculous hypocrites deserve every syllable of abuse that comes their way. I instinctively write off all denunciations of the wicked 1 percent coming from anybody unwilling to live at or below the median U.S. household income, which amounts to less than Clinton’s Rolex is worth. But there is something worse at work here than hypocrisy: stupidity. And stupidity is, like private-jet travel, shockingly expensive…


Update: Obama Visits Saudi King After Curbing Oil Expansion

While taking credit for increased oil and gas production on private and state lands, the president moves to put 12 million acres of the oil-rich Arctic National Wildlife Refuge off limits. OPEC and the Saudis are smiling.
Whoever’s in charge of presidential optics these days fits the classic definition of the blind leading the blind…



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