Splendid: Immigrant’s Dream Ends With Genocide Allegation, Bankruptcy

Dan Riehl

We must have one hell of an immigration and naturalization service to allow this to happen. Count her as one of the unfortunates American citizens whose mortgage is underwater, too.

Authorities say she was an extremist Hutu who killed and enabled the rapes of untold Tutsi victims – not the innocent refugee she claimed to be in 1995 to gain U.S. entry, when she applied for a visa and for citizenship.

Her dream life apparently ended, it started falling apart years earlier. She filed for bankruptcy in May 2008, walking away from hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt: a $222,000 mortgage, $14,125 in student loans, $4,198 in municipal taxes and fees and $30,000 in credit card and other unsecured debt.

“She lived here for probably two years without paying her mortgage; she didn’t pay her bills for a good two years,” said Tom Prince of Manchester, who lived across the street from Munyenezi. “We all feel she took advantage.”

In early 2003, she was sworn in as a U.S. citizen and bought a three-bedroom home on Howe Street for $190,000 in November, according to city records. She refinanced it three years later for $235,000.

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