“How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of.”
“…The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting. And I know I’m not going to make very many friends saying this, but it’s about all rights, all of our rights to be able to protect ourselves from all of you guys up there.”
A transcript of this testimony by Dr. Gratia is here.
On Wikipedia:
…Hupp and her parents were having lunch at the Luby’s Cafeteria in Killeen in 1991 when the Luby’s massacre commenced. The gunman shot 50 people and killed 23, including Hupp’s parents. Hupp later expressed regret about deciding to remove her gun from her purse and lock it in her car lest she risk possibly running afoul of the state’s concealed weapons laws; during the shootings, she reached for her weapon but then remembered that it was “a hundred feet away in my car.” Her father, Al Gratia, tried to rush the gunman and was shot in the chest. As the gunman reloaded, Hupp escaped through a broken window and believed that her mother, Ursula Gratia, was behind her. Actually however, her mother went to her mortally-wounded husband’s aid and was then shot in the head.
As a survivor of the Luby’s massacre, Hupp testified across the country in support of concealed-handgun laws. She said that if there had been a second chance to prevent the slaughter, she would have violated the Texas law and carried the handgun inside her purse into the restaurant. She testified across the country in support of concealed handgun laws, and was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 1996.The law was signed by then-Governor George W. Bush…
…After surviving the Luby’s massacre in 1991, Hupp became a leading advocate of an individual’s right to carry a concealed weapon. She was elected to her first term in 1996, but did not seek a sixth two-year term in 2006. She has also written a book called From Luby’s to the Legislature: One Woman’s Fight Against Gun Control, published by Privateer Publications, San Antonio, Texas…
Related: The NRA released a statement today. From Big Journalism:
…As much as they might try to delude themselves, it’s just a fact that nothing the media’s suggesting does anything to prevent another mass shooting. Columbine happened in the heart of Clinton’s assault weapons ban. If we truly want to stop these mass shootings, no amount of feel-good control gun control will do that.
Something the NRA needs to be especially prepared for, though, is a media determined not to let them do anything right. Already the stories are being written declaring Friday’s press conference a disaster, in poor taste, and a “setback for gun advocates.”…
Protesters Blame NRA for Sandy Hook Massacre – (Language Warning)
More civility from the left: Actress Marg Helgenberger Tweets to Joyce Carol Oates: ‘One can only hope’ NRA members get shot
Samuel L. Jackson on Newtown, Conn. massacre: ‘I don’t think it’s about more gun control’
Actor Samuel L. Jackson is refusing to join the chorus of actors, celebrities and politicians pushing for more gun control in the wake of the deadly massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
“I don’t think it’s about more gun control,” Jackson told the Los Angeles Times. “I grew up in the South with guns everywhere and we never shot anyone. This [shooting] is about people who aren’t taught the value of life.”
Jackson, one of the stars in Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming violent, Civil-War era thriller “Django Unchained,” said parents and role models are more important than gun control laws…
And then, of course, the never-ending campaigning: Obama campaign raises money from video of president’s Newtown speech
Obama for America sent an email Monday night from David Axelrod promoting President Barack Obama’s speech to families in Newtown, Conn., following the fatal shootings at the Sandy Hook School. A link in the email to a video of the speech led to the campaign website, featuring two buttons for financial donations.
Axelrod did not ask for donations in the email itself. The Web page included a “Donate” button at the top and a second “Quick donate” button asking for $5…
White House Confirms Obama To Make Gun Grab…
Forget about enforcing the laws already on the books, we need a whole bunch of new ones!…
Beauty queen murdered with Fast & Furious rifle
So now we’re supposed to have a national conversation about guns. That is, unless the conversation is about the guns the Obama administration has been handing out like party favors to Mexican drug cartels.
The Fast and Furious fiasco has taken yet another life…
Mark Levin on Newtown speech: ‘How come Obama did not mention Fort Hood?’
Update: Obama and Progressives Exploit Child Killings to Advance Far-Left Agenda
…the gun control fanatics are having an orgiastic outburst of gun confiscation fervor. I’ve been posting on freaks such as MSNBC’s Ed Schultz and the stupid faux conservative David Frum. And Sunday’s “Face the Nation” was a veritable who’s who of fanatical anti-gun zealots.
Their program has the imprimatur of the man at the top of the left’s political hierarchy, and the sick exploitation lobby goes down from the MSNBC journalists spouting editorial points while purportedly reporting the news, to the academic grandstanders among the left’s professoriate, to the Democrats in Congress hot off the news pushing for new legislation, to the left’s ghouls on Twitter trying to silence reasonable comments on the right to bear arms, and to the ASFL fever-swamp bloggers pathetically pushing the left’s disgusting talking points.
This is a truly depraved time in this country. The threat to liberty and goodness is on the left. The country needs to mourn after these tragedies. And we need to think about how mental health services intertwine with the right to bear arms. But blanket calls to ban guns and strip Second Amendment rights from law-abiding Americans is pure political extremism, sick and reprehensible left-wing political extremism…
‘Speaking out is one thing, calling for someone to be killed is another thing entirely…’
…Another embarrassment from RI. And another democrat wolf trying to wear sheeps clothing. Why does he go straight for the divisive card, suggesting that all NRA members must be republicans? I thought a college prof would be more thoughtful, as an RI taxpayer I do not want him teaching my children hate…
Um, who’s saying gun violence is the answer? Interesting how some folks at AOL/HuffPo frame the debate
Update 2: The Liberals at MSNBC are Worried about Your Guns AND Your Video Games
Here is video of the liberals at MSNBC agreeing with each other about the need to go after guns in America – and Chuck Todd helpfully also wants to warn parents about the evils of video games too. Allahpundit at Hot Air has a great write-up about this…
It’s going to be interesting to see how Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reacts to pressure coming from the Left to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans. This is flashback video of Reid with the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre back in 2010 where they dedicated a Shooting Park in Nevada.
NY Giants receiver Victor Cruz reaches out to the grieving family of Jack Pinto of Newtown CT.
A video at Ace of Spades: Penn And Teller On Gun Control. As with all Penn and Teller material, this isn’t safe for work.