How GOP presidential field put politics aside as brain cancer claimed Biden’s son

Tom Tillison BizPac Review 5/31/2015

In a show of class rarely seen in politics today, Republican presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz offered words of condolence to Vice President Joe Biden after the passing of his son, Joseph “Beau” Biden III.

The younger Biden, a veteran and a father of two, died Saturday at age 46 […]

From the man using his body to block violent mob to the boy handing out water to riot cops: Moments of kindness in Baltimore amid the violence

Thousands of Baltimore residents pitched in to clean up the city on Tuesday after a night of riots and looting Two moving images surfaced, showing a young boy passing out water to cops and another man protecting a police line from an agitated crowd


The Daily Mail [UK] 28 April 2015

After a […]

The War on Courtesy

The Scrapbook The Weekly Standard Vol. 19, No. 30 4/21/2014

Distinguished lineage is no guarantee of good breeding, and in the case of the junior senator from Rhode Island, the gap is startling. Mayflower ancestry, a diplomat grandfather and father, railroad money, and education at the best schools seem, if anything, to have encouraged the […]

#Stinkburger Is An Insight On Adolescent Presidency

Editorial Investor’s Business Daily 4/3/2014

…The Congressional Budget Office last year projected the national debt would increase by $6.3 trillion from 2014 to 2023; in February, the CBO revised that forecast upward to a terrifying $7.3 trillion.

But when a serious Republican leader puts forward a plan that cuts $5 trillion over 10 years, while […]

Greta Lights Up Chris Murphy On Harry Reid’s Koch Comments

Dem. Senator refuses to acknowledge Reid’s chronic pattern of smears

The Washington Free Beacon 3/4/2014

Fox News host Greta Van Susteren tore into Sen. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.) over Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D., Nev.) smear of the Koch brothers Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren repeatedly pressed Murphy on the Senate Majority Leader’s comments last […]

The Problem With Guys Like Martin Bashir

Lonely Conservative 11/19/2013

…That’s right. Wrapped in the language of literary allegory, Bashir is saying he’d like to see someone assault and abuse Sarah Palin in this horrifying fashion.

And no one at MSNBC bats an eye? This is deemed acceptable discourse?

What would MSNBC say if a conservative had talked about defecating on, say, […]
