Pa. voters will need to show their IDs

Judge upholds law in swing state

Dave Boyer The Washington Times 8/15/2012

In a ruling with implications for the presidential race, a judge on Wednesday rejected an effort by civil rights groups to block Pennsylvania’s voter-ID law, legislation that Republicans say is needed to prevent fraud at the polls this fall.

Commonwealth Court Judge Robert […]

House Democrat Reveals Obama’s Campaign Strategy

House Dem: Unemployed Will Vote For Obama To Keep “Their Benefits”

Ian Schwartz RealClearPolitics 4/25/2012

“We’re headed in the right direction. Unemployment continues to drop and those people who are unemployed, they’re not going to be voting for the party who wants to cut their benefits, cut access to food stamps, cut job training,” Rep. […]

AG Holder dodges, fumes, talks about ‘my people’ during subcommittee hearing

Sister Toldjah 3/1/2011

Politico reports on a heated exchange today between our derelict US Attorney General Eric Holder and Republicans during a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing:

Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther […]

Democrats Want to Tax Your ATM Withdrawals

Erick Erickson 7/8/2010

You remember Lanny Davis, right? He’s the nice guy you sometimes get confused with Leon Panetta because they both worked for Clinton and their names both start with “L”.

But when Davis speaks and floats ideas, it is more than just your run of the mill Washington personality floating an idea. […]
