Rep. Clyburn Complains That GOP Sen. Tim Scott Doesn’t Vote His Color

Neil Munro The Daily Caller 5/8/2014

Republican Sen. Tim Scott doesn’t vote according to the color of his skin, Assistant Democratic Leader Rep. James Clyburn complained in a Thursday Washington Post article.

“If you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspirations of 95 percent […]

Why do so many liberals want to suppress political speech?

Michael Barone The Washington Examiner 2/23/2014

The knee jerk response of many liberals to political attacks seems to be to suppress such speech. Examples abound. Michigan Rep. Gary Peters, running for the Senate, threatens the broadcast licenses of stations that run ads criticizing him. Over at Fred Jerome imagines what it would be like […]

Democrats Refuse to Apologize for Lying to Americans About Losing Their Insurance

Jim Hoft The GatewayPundit 11/15/2013

House Democrats held a press conference on Thursday following President Obama’s press conference on Obamacare.

They refused to apologize for repeatedly lying to the American people.

Over 5 million Americans have lost their health insurance so far thanks to Obamacare…

…At a press conference Thursday evening, House Democratic leaders Nancy […]

You will either fight or die…

Black on white race war in progress!

Angry White Dude 8/22/2013

Every day brings a new story of another “senseless death” of an innocent white person at the hands of “urban youths” somewhere in America. “Senseless death” is what the PC propaganda media refers to violent, out-of-control black on white crime. WWII vets beaten to […]

Food stamp cuts fire up Dems on farm bill

David Rogers Politico 7/10/2012

Food stamps are fast becoming a flash point for the House farm bill this week — but also an increasingly partisan, even racially tinged debate in Congress over the future of the social safety net in these hard economic times.

The politics are explosive enough that Republican farm bill proponents are […]

Holder in Contempt: House Dems Do Re-Enactment of WI ‘Fleabaggers’ and Run

Not above the law: Holder first U.S. Attorney General to be voted in Contempt of Congress

Anne Sorock Legal Insurrection 6/28/2012

This afternoon the full U.S. House of Representatives voted 255 to 67 to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress for failure to turn over specific documents. Eric Holder is […]
