Mark Meadows to Fight GOP House Leadership: ‘Sometimes You Have to Make Changes to the Coach’

Josh Siegel The Daily Signal 6/22/2015

A conservative House lawmaker angry at “a culture of punishment and fear” created by Speaker John Boehner and his leadership team has had enough.

“For the last six months they have doled out small punishments in a variety of forms,” said Rep. Mark Meadows of the conservative House Freedom […]

Frustrated Gowdy to DEA Chief: ‘What the HELL do you get to do?’

The Right Scoop 4/14/2015

Trey Gowdy was frustrated by all the bureaucratic loopholes one has to jump through just to get a DEA Agent disciplined for soliciting prostitution. Apparently the administrator doesn’t have the power to do anything to her agents which is why Gowdy asks her “what the hell do you get to do?”


Chaffetz Reveals ‘Stunning Revelation’ Secret Service Director Disclosed in Meeting: ‘Unfathomable’

Oliver Darcy The Blaze 3/18/2015

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said Wednesday that it’s possible the Secret Service erased surveillance tapes of two supposedly intoxicated agents driving a vehicle through an active bomb-scene investigation site.

Speaking to CNN and CBS News, the House Oversight Committee chairman said the revelation was made known to several lawmakers during […]

GOP Congressman Points to Two Words Contained in a 2014 Email That Could Suggest White House Involvement in Net Neutrality Vote

Jon Street The Blaze 3/17/2015

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler told members of Congress Tuesday that the White House did not pressure the agency into passing new internet rules, but one Republican congressman is honing in on two words contained in an email from last year that could indicate just the opposite.

Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) […]

Mark Cuban: FCC's Net Neutrality, Title II Actions 'Will Fuck Everything Up.'

Nick Gillespie 2/19/2015

Speaking at the Code/Media conference in California, entrepreneur Mark Cuban—who made his pile selling back in the day—told his audience that allowing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate the Internet in the name of Net Neutrality (or anything else) will “fuck everything up.” He continued: “Having them overseeing the […]

Republican lawmakers investigate White House net neutrality push

Republicans want to know whether the Obama administration influenced the FCC’s proposal

Grant Gross Computerworld 2/20/2015

WASHINGTON – Congressional Republicans are demanding to know how much the White House influenced the Federal Communications Commission while the agency crafted net neutrality rules.

The FCC has until Monday afternoon to produce unredacted email messages, focused on net […]
